We are pleased to offer an online (telehealth) appointment option through our current Janeapp booking system for times when it is not possible for you to make an in-person visit, whatever the reason. Jane’s telehealth feature is HIPAA compliant and each online appointment is encrypted, anonymous, and never recorded or stored. You will have access to the same high-quality expertise as in person and, you will be able to access them from the convenience and comfort of your home.
The main benefit is to be able to access physiotherapy services remotely. Telerehabilitation is particularly helpful when you require an expert opinion for acute injury management. It may save you from a trip to your doctor or emergency. It’s also helpful to review your current treatment plan, to modify a program that you are having issues with or to progress exercises as you continue to improve.
Treatment may include, but is not limited to, education, exercise prescription, monitoring of progress, or supervised exercise. Hands-on treatment by your physiotherapist is not possible but having a partner present to assist may also be helpful.
Currently the following insurers will cover telehealth appointments for physiotherapy: Manulife, Medavie Blue Cross-RCMP, Pacific Blue Cross, Sunlife, ICBC, and WorksafeBC. Please check with your individual provider if they are not on this list.
All our physiotherapists are available for telerehabilitation. Please give us a call at 604-370-1040 and we will arrange it for you.